‘Big men’ arrested over Bukoba murders

Police in Bukoba have nabbed 17 suspects, including some 'big men' in connection with a string of gruesome murders. Photo: Daniel Hayduk

Police in Bukoba have nabbed 17 suspects, including some ‘big men’ in connection with a string of gruesome murders. Photo: Daniel Hayduk

Police in Bukoba, in north-west Tanzania, have rounded up several well known local ‘big men’ in connection with a string of gruesome murders.

Over seven people have been found with their throats slit in recent months, with the latest killing of two young men taking place last week.

Among the 17 suspects detained ea are a well-known businessman and other powerful local players, says Kagera regional police commander Henry Mwaibambe.

“We faced a few challenges because they are considered big men in town,” says Mwaibambe, “but I should firmly say that we fear nobody.”

Upon hearing the news over the weekend, residents reportedly crowded the police station wanting to see the suspects.



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