Karibu Music Festival back for more

A performer at last year's Karibu Music Festival, which is coming back for more in November. Photo: contributed

A performer at last year’s Karibu Music Festival, which is coming back for more in November. Photo: contributed

After a successful event in 2014, Karibu Music Festival is back in Bagamoyo for three days of live performances in November.

“The festival goal is nurturing and promoting African music and culture to the world, as well as introducing other countries’ cultures to Africa,” says the festival website.

Artists from across the world will showcase different genres of music ranging from African music to pop, rock, reggae, hip hop, jazz, country, electronic and alternative.

In a mix of music, dance and cultural exposure, the festival will also showcase artisans, cultural food, comedy, cinema and even a graffiti tent.

The festival takes place on 500 acres of beachfront grounds at the College of Arts and Culture (TASUBA) on November 6-8.

Parents, do note there is also a kids zone.

Tickets cost 7,000 TSH at the door or 5,000 TSH online at Kaymu (with an earlybird special of 2,500 TSH.)


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