Fill in the blanks to stop female genital mutilation

FGM is illegal in Tanzania, yet it is still happening. You can help make it stop by filling in the blanks. Photo: Daniel Hayduk

Approximately 800 girls were forced to undergo illegal Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) last month, and you can help make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

“It’s not something to be proud of. As a government, we can’t afford to see such acts continuing,” says Ministry of Health permanent secretary Sihaba Nkinga, who says  32 percent of Tananian girls are forced to undergo FGM.

During the cutting season, girls flee to sanctuaries like Rhobi Samwelly’s safe house in Mugumu.

Rhobi, herself a victim of FGM, visits at risk villages telling girls about their rights and rescuing those in danger — but there are no maps to guide her.

Rhobi wants these remote villages to be clearly mapped on OpenStreetMap so girls in danger can be easily found by activists.

Click here, select an area to map and help save a girl from FGM by filling in the blanks.

Watch more about the important work done by the safe house:

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Dar Post
Dar Post is an online community for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We provide you with timely and relevant community information.