Maggi noodles pulled from shelves

Maggi noodles have been pulled from supermarket shelves in East Africa, says the BBC. Photo: contributed

Maggi noodles have been pulled from supermarket shelves in East Africa, says the BBC. Photo: contributed

Supermarket chain Nakumatt says they’re voluntarily removing Nestle’s Maggi noodles from it’s Tanzanian stores.

The move comes after regulators in India termed the product as ‘unsafe and hazardous’ and the BBC says Kenya’s Bureau of Standards has  issued a ‘verbal recall’ on the product.

Nakumatt and two other Kenyan supermarket chains have decided to voluntarily pull the noodles.

Nestle India, however, maintains that their product is safe, and Nestle South Africa says their locally manufactured noodles are also safe.

“We regularly monitor all our raw materials for lead, including testing by accredited laboratories,” says Nestle South Africa in a statement on their website.

“These tests have consistently shown lead in Maggi noodles to be within permissible limits.”

The Consumer Federation of Kenya, which called the noodles ‘lead-poisoned’ has also reportedly asked customs to halt any further imports of Maggi’s 2 minute noodles.

Other Maggi products are not affected.

Nakumatt is withdrawing the noodles from it’s shops in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan


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