About Dar Post

January 2018: Dar Post is currently on hiatus. We’ve left information as-is, but it’s currently not being updated.

Talk to us

Our readers are a valuable source of information: we’d love for you to contact us at news@darpost.com with your news tips and feedback.

If you want to inquire about licensing our content, please get in touch via news@darpost.com. Don’t steal.

About our news

Our news team works to provide accurate news and information in a timely fashion. We can’t do this without your help: our readers are our contributors, so if you spot something worth sharing, let us know.

Dar Post follows the Canadian Association for Journalists Ethics and Guidelines. We aim to reach the highest ethical standards in all our reporting. We do our best to avoid errors and omissions, however Dar Post Ltd. will not be liable for damages should they occur. It should be obvious, but needs to be said anyways: we don’t control any content on external links. If you have any questions, please get in touch: news@darpost.com

About our other content

Dar has a steep learning curve and can be very daunting for newcomers. We get that, as we’ve all been there. We provide all sorts of other content — from phone numbers to tips on navigating the airport — that is often based on our personal experiences. We can’t vouch for the continued accuracy of articles as they age, but if you spot something that needs updating, please let us know. Business recommendations and mentions do not indicate endorsement. If you have any questions, please get in touch: news@darpost.com

One more thing

We take libel very seriously and refuse to publish conjecture or rumors as news. That being said, Dar Post is not liable for things other people say, even if we write them down and post them on this website. Same goes for our ‘letters’ and ‘press release’ sections: we are not the authors of that content and only provide the platform for individuals to express their own personal opinions. If you’re concerned about something you’ve seen on Dar Post, do let us know. But remember, don’t shoot the messenger.

Read the full terms of use, code of conduct and privacy policy here.

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1 Comment on "About Dar Post"

  1. Interesting read. Thanks for keeping us posted about Dar. I grew up and lived in Tanzania for many years, starting my journalistic career at the Daily News and have since then been in journalism for some 48 years!.

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