Waste is not just waste anymore

recycler-graphic2The Recycler Tanzania started business in August 2014 with a plan to offer comprehensive recycling to large companies and set recycling collection points across the city. Now with over 25 different commercial clients and collection points the company has recycled hundreds of tons of waste.

The Serena Hotel, Twiga Cement, Sky Chefs and many other companies have implemented full scale recycling systems with the Recycler and are diverting multiple tons of waste per month from the dumpsite to be made into new products. The Recycler has also set up recycling collection points across Dar es Salaam at schools, offices, businesses and embassies for residents to drop off their recyclable material. These collection points can be found on their website at www.recycler.co.tz

Matthew Haden, the founder of the Recycler originally came to Dar es Salaam from the USA to work with a United Nations organization. When he saw the dire state of waste in the city, he realized that there was enormous need and opportunity to start a company.

recycler-graphicThe Recycler is now putting together projects that address waste currently not used or recycled. The company has a breeding house for native insects that eat organic waste and is testing them to be used in protein for chicken feed. They are have completed a feasibility study on large-scale biogas to create energy from the copious amounts of organic waste around Dar es Salaam. They are launching a pilot project for waste to energy with a local cement company. And they are hoping to establish a buy-back center and give more support to the thousands of informal collectors around the city so they can collect a greater amount and diversity of material.

The Recycler was excited to see President Magufuli taking the lead in cleaning up Tanzania and supported his cleanup campaign. Things are changing in Tanzania. According to The Recycler’s motto “Waste is not just waste anymore”

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1 Comment on "Waste is not just waste anymore"

  1. ”The Recycler” doing a great job!

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