Malaria alert

An Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which can carry dengue. Photo:Muhammad Karim

Malaria cases have been on the rise in recent weeks.  Photo:Muhammad Karim

When it rains, malaria follows.

The IST Clinic’s doctor Belia Klaassen says they’ve seen a spike in malaria cases, including cerebral malaria in the month of May.

“There have recently been two cases of severe cerebral malaria, one very sadly with fatal outcome,” says Klaassen.

Klaassen says the infection in the fatal cerebral malaria case was contracted within Tanzania, but the symptoms only manifested themselves after the patient had traveled abroad.

Travelers should take a self-test kit and a course of anti-malarial medications with them to prevent any delays in diagnosis or life-saving treatment.

Klaassen recommends immediate testing if symptoms of fever, joint pain and headaches occur.

No cases of dengue fever have been reported recently.

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About the Author

Daniel Hayduk
Daniel is Dar Post's news director. When not in the newsroom, he spends his days helping NGOs across the continent find their creative side.