Nakumatt goes green with recycling bonanza

Nakumatt at Milimani City has teamed up with Red ‘N White (RnW) and the Recycler to offer the first ever environmentally friendly promotion on wine in Tanzania.

Customers are encouraged to bring in ANY empty wine bottle to the store so that it will be recycled. In exchange, they will receive a 20% discount on their next purchase of PEARLY BAY wine from KWV (natural sweet white, dry white, rosé, dry red, natural sweet red).

imageThe glass bottles will then be collected by the Recycler to be turned back into bottles. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly. However, if it ends up in a landfill it will not decompose for thousands of years!

This project is the first of its kind in Tanzania!

Dar es Salaam has a serious waste problem where glass and other trash clog up rivers exacerbating flooding, especially during the rainy season. The project hopes that customers will not only drink responsibly, but dispose of their waste responsibly.

Matthew Haden, the CEO of the Recycler is very excited by this new project “this will allow residents who drink wine a great option for recycling glass. And recycling just one glass wine bottle saves the equivalent amount of energy that it takes to power a television for 2.5 hours.”

RnW’s director Filip TACK explains ‘this environmentally friendly project perfectly fits in the company’s corporate social responsibility program. For over 20 years now, RnW has not only introduced world leading wine brands in Tanzania but has also continuously promoted environmental sustainability within its own organization and in the areas where it operates in Tanzania. We are really happy to associate such a leading brand as Pearly Bay with this remarkable initiative, hoping it might become a trend setter for future recycling programs.
General Manager for Nakumatt in Tanzania Srinivasan Suresh also added: Recycling has always been close to our heart ! Nakumatt Tanzania Limited proud to be associated for this project first time ever tried in Tanzania !

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