
Stop the squeak

Ever heard of WD-40? Although I’ve used it for years and even brought a few spray bottles from overseas years ago, I never understood its name. Apparently it’s the trademark…

Bwana Kisu

Another amazing profession here is that of the knife grinder. Once this businessman is spotted on the roads nearby, wananchi — mostly the ladies — will bring out their blunt knives and…

A different kind of logic

I’ve never considered myself a high-flyer in logical thinking, but I get by. Living in Dar, however, I often get really confused. It has taken me a while, but I’ve…

The cooking mamas

Ladies run the businesses on the street, many of which are the cooking mamas who can be found at any stratigic open space with their charcoal stoves, pots and pans…

Ancient trees

I first saw this most amazing tree in remote areas of Zimbabwe and Botswana. Never did I expect to see them spread around Dar Es Salaam as I associated them…

Dust specialists

I grew up in a country where for centuries the biggest challenge has been how to keep our feet dry and the water out of our land. As a result,…

The cry for kahawa

Walking the streets in every part of town or even on the beach there is a guy balancing a heavy kettle full of boiling hot liquid. One hand holds the…

Just a few days a year

It is unbelievable how quiet it can get in this city, despite the multi-million population. Usually this type of silence lasts just a few days a year, around Christmas and…

Tropical delights

I love the hot season in Dar: this time of year when the abundance of fruit is stunning — it really is the season of tropical delights. Along the road…

What’s all the shouting about?

For some days already I’ve been wondering about all the shouting along our road. There have also been unusual sounds of tools, people running everywhere, as well as leaves and…